Online Betting Tips

One of the main reasons why online bookmakers do so well when we're all having a go at betting on horse racing or betting on football is not only down to them setting the odds marginally in their favour, it's also got something to do with to mistakes that punters make.
This includes gamblers not thinking properly at the time of betting, not choosing the best betting options or even not having done enough research on the bet they're about to place.
If your not fully sure of what your betting on and you haven't researched it well enough then simply don't bet on it. Its not as fun when you don't know what's going on and you're far more likely to lose your bet with the online bookmakers or not even realise you've won!
Good Online Betting Habits
Research Bets
If you're placing bets on things you know little about then it's probably best that you take a step back and ask yourself if you'd benefit from doing a little research on the matter. It's not always just about knowing the types of football bets your placing.
Doing enough research usually means that you fully comprehend all the risks involved, you certainly learn a lot more from losses but it's obviously much nicer to win. More importantly is that you get more satisfaction when winning and taking money from bookmakers.
Betting Budgets
It's pretty sensible to set yourself an upper limit on the amount of money that you can afford to lose each month and stop make sure that you stop betting just before reach it.
Betting with a certain amount of money each month ensures that it never becomes an issue but a bit more like an expense that you expect to have on a monthly basis. Don't forget to split your monthly fund into weeks so that your certain how much you have available for gambling.
Another useful habit to get into is to set yourself a daily loss figure as this will also make it a lot easier for you to see if your sports betting is taking up more of your wages than it should be.
Set a Limit on Winning
It may sound daft but it's just as easy to to get carried away when your winning regularly and to kid yourself that you're systems are full-proof. So, if you decide on 5 bets at the beginning of the day, make sure you stick to it and don'r revisit you local betting shops again.
If all 5 bets win your more likely to get a bit greedy and looking to place more bets than you'd intended to leaving you wide open to betting irrationally and losing money you just won!
Have a Rest
It can be a pretty good idea to take a step back, clear your head and take stock of where you stand. A series of big wins is a great precursor to over confidence just as a series of poor results makes betting on gut reactions more likely and increasing the chance of losses.
Bad Online Betting Habits
Bad Odds Betting
The odds being offered for the same bet can vary between even the best bookmakers by as much as 40% and commonly 20%! If your not betting at the best odds then when you win you may only be taking home a percentage of what you could have claimed had you gone to the bookmaker offers the best odds.
For this reason it sometimes pays to have registered with a variety of British Bookmakers so that your able to pick from the best odds available for each of the bets you want to place.
Chasing Losses
Chasing after bad losses is an easy traps that sports betters tend to fall in to. Most punters have good and bad days but it's much more sensible to save your betting and money after a bad day for when better bets become available.
Losing more than your daily limit in one day tends to lead to knee jerk and irrational betting. Trying to recuperate your losses via one big bet that will get you out of debt very rarely does, and more commonly gets you into even bigger debt.
The best thing to do after a heavy loss is to learn from your mistakes and then try making the money up through lots of smaller, less riskier bets. Basically more calculated you are, the more likely your going to get claw back some of the money you've just lost.
Being to Greedy
Being mad about money is probably not the best trait to have if you plan to gamble regularly. As well as not betting too much, it's also a good idea to be realistic when it comes to gambling. Online bookmakers are brilliant at coming up with interesting new bets and markets for us all to place bets on that we wouldn't have even considered.
Some of the higher odd bets you can place like first goal scorers, correct score bets and scorecasts are generally poor value. A better way of betting is to look out for good value bets, like bookmakers signup offers, rather than trying to find something to bet on.
Betting too Much
This is a bit of an iffy one for most people that gamble as it's the actual thrill of betting and the element of risk in comparison to the potential windfall that keeps us all interested.
Betting with small amounts of money obviously cuts down on the amount your capable of winning and isn't far from not actually betting at all.
The best thing you can do is to be prepared for every bet you place to be a losing bet, this way in the worse case scenario you may be a little disappointed to have lost but it won't be a serious problem.